Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween 2010

Procrastination and frugality joined forces this year and pushed me to make the kids' trick-or-treating costumes from scratch. I have to say, I had so much fun scouring the basement for random materials and seeing the ideas come together that I doubt I'll ever go back to store-bought costumes (please, don't hold this statement over my head if I contradict myself next year!).

The kids' requests were a horse (Annabell) and Thomas the Train (you can guess). Without spending a dime apart from my time, here's what we came up with in 24 hours:

Aunt Tina also sent adorable trick-or-treating bags for the kids to finish decorating. We had some great craft time on Thursday and Friday getting them ready for the big event! There was even a third bag for me to decorate on behalf of Baby McLennan. :)

Here are more photos of this year's Halloween festivities:

Liam Visits the Island of Sodor

As all who read this undoubtedly know, Liam is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine and his many steamie friends from the Island of Sodor. When I asked Liam what type of cake he wanted for his 4th birthday, it was no surprise that he answered, "A Thomas cake, with a train track on it and Thomas on the track."

My first inclination was to create a repeat of the cake I made for Annabell's 3rd (?) birthday: a simple rectangular sheet cake with frosting tracks and a miniature Thomas on top. But I've never enjoyed repeating myself, and given the magnitude of Liam's love for all things Thomas, I decided to go all out and try to match his enthusiasm.

As usual, my grandiose vision turned out to be far more work than I anticipated, but the delight on the kids' faces was worth every penny, hour, and crumb in my carpet.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Suffering Is Not Defeat

Earlier this year I read and reviewed a book called Christianity in Crisis, which discusses the beliefs and proponents of the so-called "prosperity gospel." I was vaguely familiar with this movement before reading the book, but downright enraged by it afterwards. My eyes have been opened to how thoroughly this false teaching has infiltrated the American church, and even my own extended family. Given what Tim and I have been learning about the role of suffering in our own lives and those around the world, the prosperity gospel is more detestable to me than ever.

This morning I was reading a blog by a family who is currently struggling to keep their newborn son alive. They had posted the following video, and I found it so striking I just had to pass it on.