Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Daze

The past week has certainly been unusual for Pennsylvania. After the 2+ foot snowfall we received last weekend, we were just hit with another 18 inches (at least) from Tuesday evening through Wednesday. The second storm brough much heavier snow, so the combined accumulation has shrunk to under 3 feet. Still, I haven't seen this much snow since living in Vermont, and it's definitely the most Annabell and Liam have ever experienced!
Between the heavy snowfall and 40 mph winds, the entire region shut down on Wednesday. It was great timing for a day at home, since the kids and I were all sick. We thoroughly enjoyed our time relaxing, making crafts, watching movies, and taking naps.
After a full day of recuperation, we were all ready for a little adventure. Thankfully, the sun came out today and the wind died down, so Tim was able to snow-blow some paths in our backyard. Here are some pics from our 2nd "blizzard" in 5 days...

Annabell occupied herself for most of the morning with a bead craft she got for Christmas from Nana Hutchins.

Liam, shock of all shocks, spent a few hours with Thomas and Friends.

The winds were a killer, creating huge snow drifts all around the house. Here's a view out the front door toward our driveway.

Yes, that's snow against the sunroom window, almost up to the top of the recliner. Our deck railing was almost buried by the end of the day.

Annabell on the top of our mini-Mt. Everest.

From within the snow maze Tim created.

Love this shot that Tim took.

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